Friday, November 2, 2007

[Cool Text] Language Translations

Cool Text has been internationalized and is now
available in the following new languages:

Deutsch - German
Cool Text: Logo und Grafik-Generator

Español – Spanish
Cool Text: Generador de Logotipos y Gráficos

Français – French
Cool Text: Générateur de Graphique et de Logo

Português – Portuguese
Cool Text: Gerador de Logos e Gráficos

Türkçe – Turkish
Cool Text: Logo ve Grafik Üreteci

If you operate a web site in one of these other languages, please consider
linking directly to the site in your language. Also, if you’d like to help
promote Cool Text, submit it to a directory or blog in your language.

Of course, every service provided by Cool Text is still 100% free and can be
used completely without restriction.

If you notice any typos or misspellings in the translations please reply back
to this email with a correction.

We hope you enjoy the new changes. Thank you for supporting Cool Text and
please tell all your friends about the service.

- The Cool Text Staff

Cool Text is a free graphics generator for web pages and anywhere else you
need an impressive logo without a lot of design work. Simply choose what kind
of image you would like. Then fill out a form and you'll have your own custom
image created on the fly. Cool Text also features a free font archive with
over 1,200 fonts available.